BOOKS #1. New York's Lower East Side

The most exciting vintage photographs of New York’s Lower East Side from the collection of Brian Merlis are in this hard cover coffee table edition.
$29.95 (plus $5.00 shipping) measures 11” wide by 8.5” high 262 pages OUT of PRINT
Contact Oscar Israelowitz at or tel. (718) 619-300
BOOKS #2. Manhattan's Lower East Side

This book is a coffee table size volume with over 100 vintage photographs of the Lower East Side, Chinatown, the Five Points, East Village, and Soho.
$20.00 (plus $5.00 shipping) measures 11” wide by 8.5” high 112 pages Paperback
Contact Oscar Israelowitz at or tel. (718) 619-3900
BOOKS #3. Lower East Side Visitor's Guide

A do-it-yourself walking tour of this great old Manhattan neighborhood with information about the Tenement Museum, the Eldridge Street Synagogue & Museum, the Triangle Fire, Katz’s Deli, an old fashioned Candy Store, life of the garment workers, great old and new architecture, a synagogue connected to the Underground Railroad, and lots more. With over 150 color and vintage sepia photos. It’s a really fun book.
$23.95 (plus $5.00 shipping) measures 5.5” wide by 8.5” high 232 pages Paperback
Contact Oscar Israelowitz at or tel. (718) 619-3900