Tour #24. Borough Park Bus Tour

Borough Park was created out of Dutch farmlands. It has become one of the largest Hassidic neighborhoods in the city. We will trace the neighborhood back to pre-Hassidc times and see some of the earliest synagoues including Temple Beth El, site of the masters of the cantors, including Moshe Kousevitsky, Chagi, Hershman and Moshe Stern, Temple Emanu-El (site), the Sfardishe Shul, with cantor Yossele Rosenblatt. There is even a Reform congregation in this community. We will see Maimonides Medical Center which started in 1920 as the United Israel Zion Hospital. It’s quite a trip.
Tour Fee: Group tour for congregation or school–$500 per group.
Fee does not include bus charter.
Contact Oscar Israelowitz at or tel. (718) 619-3900